General FAQs

Visas for pilgrims
A special "Tourism-Jubilee" visa is available for those who participate in pilgrimages to Rome organized by local Churches. In view of the 2025 Jubilee, the Visa Unit of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) and the Dicastery for Evangelization – Section for Fundamental Issues of Evangelization in the World (DPE) have agreed on a “ Modus Procedendi” which can facilitate the issuance of the entry visa to Italy for the faithful who intend to go on pilgrimage to Rome and to the other sacred places present on Italian territory. The brothers coming from nations that require entry visas are invited to follow the procedure prepared by the Jubilee Organization as soon as possible as indicated on the official Jubilee website. https://www.iubilaeum2025.va/it/pellegrinaggio/visto-pellegrini.html.
What is the official website of Jubilee 2025?
During the year, many events will take place in Rome that will involve millions of faithful; to participate, on the official website of the Jubilee www.iubilaeum2025.va, you can register or register your group.
Getting around Rome by public transport
for all information on mobility in Rome consult the website https://romamobilita.it/it/muoversiaroma.